Family Camping
Family Camping is soon upon us. Please follow this link to learn more about Family Camping and Cub-Parent Weekend.
In the past the Pack has gone during the Memorial Day Weekend event. We’ve shared a campsite as well as supplies for those who wanted to go camping but didn’t have a stove or cooler to do so. If members of the Pack would like to go camping again this year. Let’s set up a time to plan. Please respond to the email you received so we know who’s interested.
Also, at Blue and Gold we started a raffle for Family Camping and Cub Parent Weekend. Once we hit $95 for Family Camping we will pull the winner. Once we hit $80 on Cub Parent Weekend we will pull that winner. Denise will have the coupons available to purchase at den meetings if you are interested in trying to get a free weekend. All raffles are $5.